Friday, June 23, 2023

Wisdom Teeth Extraction times Two

Kefford scheduled the girls to get their wisdom teeth out on the same day so we could get them both done at the same time. While the Dr was explaining the procedure to Avy and Rylee I took a picture of them. 
It was decided that Avynlea was to go first and Rylee took a couple of silly before pictures of her. Two of them were blurry but she liked them so I included them.
While she was getting her teeth pulled Kefford, Rylee and I watched Rio in the office's theater room. Once Avynlea ws done they had us go back to be with her. I was told to keep her lying flat and that she should not get up because she would fall since she was still on drugs. She washing pretty skilled and after about 10 minutes of us being back with her they took Rylee away. Was occupied helping Avynlea so I did not get a before picture of her. I figure we can count the one I took of the both of them.
Once Rylee was gone Avynlea started to get pretty weepy. She spent a lot of the time trying to get me to let her sit up. She cried when I would't let her. She did not like lying there and kept insisting that she could get up and walk. She asked us what we did while she was in surgery and I told her we watched Rio. She started crying because she loves Rio and wanted to watch it also. We played the music for her and she sang along with it.
When Rylee was done they put her immediately in the car and then the nurse helped me walk Avynlea out. Avynlea wanted to run and tried to get us to let her but of course weakest a tight hold on her and would not let her. As soon as we got to the car I saw Rylee sitting inside and she was crying. I asked her if she hurt and she said no, she was just crying. By this time Avynlea was in a silly mood again nd we spent the drive home with Rylee crying and Avynlea laughing at her. Rylee cried about not riding in a wheelchair, she cried when she started playing her Mario kart game on her hone and it put her in 12th place to start and she cried when she realized we did not get. before picture of her like Avynlea. It was pretty comical and I got some good video of the two of them.

When we got home we set the girls up in the TV room watching TV with ice packs on their faces and Kefford got them smoothies from Jamba Juice.