Saturday, October 24, 2020

Quarantine Week 32 (Avy and Rylee at the Farm, Kenedy Votes, Baking, Big Hair Bun, Peterson Ortho Sponsorship Banner, Elizabeth Votes)

Kenedy went to the Farm on Saturday with McKoy and Gabbie so they could go flying with Bob and get some pumpkins from their pumpkin patch. Avynlea and Rylee went with them and they were all just staying for a few hours and then coming back home. About the time that Kenedy was getting ready to come back home I got a phone call from Avynlea asking if she and Rylee could stay until Monday. They were supposed to go to school on Monday because this week would be their Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule but there was a hiccup. Normally we are full remote while in the red and hybrid while in the yellow. Our district just moved back to red but our school board decided to keep kids hybrid learning because that was what the majority of parents and teachers and students wanted per a survey they sent out. So even though we were in the red we were still allowed to do hybrid learning but some teachers did not like that and staged a call in sick coup. A quarter of the teachers in our district called in sick for Monday as well s Tuesday and we do not have enough subs so they had to cancel school. It is ridiculous, I am pretty angry at the teachers. I feel that the ones who will suffer are the kids and that is not fair to them, it is not their fault. We are already in a bad situation and these teachers are making it so much worse. 
I have Avynlea and Rylee permission to stay until Monday and they had fun being with their grandparents and cousins. Amelia was there for the weekend and they loved being with her, she is just the cutest kid.
Found this picture of cute Rylee on my phone, I think she takes pictures and sends them to her friends.
Kenedy voted! This is the first Presidential election that Kenedy gets to vote in and she had a mail in ballot sent to her so she could vote from Rexburg. She sent us a picture of her mailing in her ballot and she looks so cute, I am super proud of her for doing her civic duty.

Kenedy also sent a picture of the apple crisp she made with some of the apples she got from when we went apple picking. It looks super delicious and I am so glad she was able to come up with a yummy recipe.
I used some of my apples to make caramel apple cinnamon rolls. They were good but I think they needed more caramel, there wasn't a lot of that flavor in it, I definitely needed more.
I was inspired by Nicole from Big Brother to do a big bun in my hair and I took a couple of pictures to send to Kenedy.
If this week couldn't get any worse school wise Avynlea was called into the nurses office Wednesday at noon and I had to go pick her up and take her home because she has to quarantine for a week. Her friend Dreya tested positive for covid and all her cheer besties had to be sent home. Avynlea only has to quarantine for a week because her last contact with Dreya was a week ago and they are counting that as week one. I really hate covid!

Rylee sent me a couple pictures of the Peterson Orthodontics banners they have hung up in the gym. Kefford sponsored her through Volleyball and he has been a little anxious about when the banner was going to be hung up. I think it looks pretty good!

Rylee was sending some text messages to Tayci using Taylee's phone but she was accidentally sending them to me. Avynlea and I took a picture to send to her and her response was "what the heck". Hahaha

I didn't want to deal with lines at the polls so I also requested a mail in ballot. On Saturday I mailed in my ballot and had Avynlea take my picture. I copied Kenedy's pose so I could send it to her :).