Tuesday, January 26, 2016

This and That

One morning before school I was trying to get Rylee to wear a coat to school. She stopped wearing one because she said her sweatshirt keeps her warm enough and she does not need a coat. She then showed me what she does if she does get a little chilly. I thought it was pretty cute. I still think she should talk a coat with her, just in case she does get cold but mostly so I don't look like a bad Mom sending my kid to school without a coat. She has always been extremely hot blooded so I believe her when she says she does not need one but boy is she crazy! Avynlea always leaves the house looking like an eskimo all bundled up. 
Avynlea looking cute reading on her tablet while waiting for her ride. She usually waits till right before her ride comes to get bundled up. 
One Saturday my kids friends Mom texted me saying she was taking her kids ice skating at the village if I wanted to come along with my kids. All of the kids had plans that day except for Rylee and I thought she would enjoy it so I agreed to go only after I made sure Devri was not planning on skating because I was not in the mood to skate, she assured me she had no intentions of skating either so we were good to go. When we got there Devri had already got her kids paid for and they were on the ice. Rylee and I got in line and right when it was her turn to get paid for they said the rink was too full and we had to wait 15 to 20 minutes. Bummer. By the time Rylee got on the ice she only had about 5 minutes to skate with her friend Sydney. Rylee is pretty independent and has never minded doing her own thing and so she was totally fine skating by herself for the 15 minutes after Sydney had to get off. Rylee wanted to take her sweatshirt off while she was skating because she said she was getting hot. I told her to keep it on every time she asked me and finally towards the end she gave up on asking and just took it off when I was not looking. Little stink.

Avynlea got a cute Rudolph ring pop and enjoyed showing me how it looked while she was sucking on it. Cute even with a Rudolph sticking out of her mouth.