Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pioneer Sewing

This year instead of doing Girls Camp for the Young Women and High Adventure for the boys our Ward decided that the youth are going to do a Trek. Part of the preparation for Trek was making pioneer clothing. I am going on this pioneer Trek as a photographer and so I needed clothing in addition to Kenedy so off we went to JoAnn's. I felt it was important for Kenedy to do some of her own sewing so she made her Bonnets and so far I sewed one of her skirts. I did her skirt because of course the Bonnets were done way in advance but I put off the skirts because I did not want to deal with them. So the day that we had to have at least one outfit due I was busy sewing Kenedys skirt. My skirt and bonnet were done way in advance I might add. :o) But I got her skirt done and we both looked pretty cute. We were supposed to have aprons done but I didn't care enough to get those done, I will do it later.