Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Wicked Night!

A little over a year ago my friend Lana called with the news that the Broadway Musical "Wicked" was coming to Boise and asked if I wanted to go in on getting group tickets with Ladies from our ward. Um, heck yeah< I didn't even have to thing twice. I was totally in! I think people have been getting tired of me saying this but I saw this musical a couple of years ago with my amazing sister in LA and I loved it! I was excited to have Kefford and Kenedy go with me to see it again, so I ordered three tickets.

 After more then a year of waiting it was almost time to go. About two weeks before hand we were at Keffords Aunt Tamis house and we were talking about Wicked and she said that she really wanted to go but the tickets were all sold out. I was bummed for her because I knew she would have loved it. A couple of days later Lana called me again with some bad news. During this year of waiting she got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl, unfortunately now that she had a newborn she felt the need to opt out of going and was looking to sell her ticket along with another friend who got free tickets through her husbands work. After I got off the phone with Lana I immediately called Tami and asked if she would want to buy the two tickets. She was excited and said she would. Yay! So Tami came and brought her daughter Karli. It was really fun to go and have them be there with us. I managed to rearrange the tickets so that Karli and Tami could sit with us.

So after watching this Musical for a second time here are some of my thoughts on it. Not that anybody really cares. :o)
*For me the first time around seeing it was much more magical. I went into it knowing nothing and so everything was a wonderful surprise.
*the first half of the show, though it still has some of my favorite parts, drags a little.
* I love watching the second half and seeing how everything gets tied into the Wizard of Oz and how everything comes together.
* I absolutely love all of the music and had a hard time not getting up and breaking into song with the actors. Their voices are much, much better than mine and it would not have been appreciated.
*we were in the balcony which I was not expecting and if I had known before when I bought the tickets I would have paid more so that we could be closer.
*I am almost positive all of my friends wanted to shoot me whenever the words "I saw it before in LA" came out of my mouth. I swear I never said it to brag it was just to let people know that since I have seen it before I am now an expert and everyone can absolutely trust me when I say that they will love it. OK so also maybe to brag a little that I have an awesome sister who took me for my birthday, Best Birthday date EVER!
* I hope they make this into a movie worthy of the Broadway production so that the rest of my kids who know and love the music can experience the magic in the story.
* I am really glad that Broadway shows are showing up in Boise and I really hope that this new trend continues. It breaks my heart every thime i think of it that I did not take advantage of Fiddler on the Roof being here also. I love the movie, it reminds me of my Dad, and I know I would have loved to have seen it on stage.
* Oh and Kenedy loved it like I knew she would and Kefford thought it was a little too chick flicky for him but did enjoy many aspects of it.