Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break Adventures 2

Wednesday night Emily had the three of us signed up to go to a MaryKay Makeup night. So we left the kids in the capable hands of her husband (with Kenedys help :) and away we went.
Here is our lovely before.
And a closeup of us before.
And ta-da... here is our way fierce after!
This was the favorite picture. See how we all command the shot...so fierce!
I wet my face to wash the make-up off and decided to pose for some shots like this. It wasn't until I looked at it here that I realized how Gothic and scary it looks. Sorry guys, just scroll back up for the pretty shots!
The girls hosting the make-up night seemed to really enjoy us and we had a lot of fun playing with all the make-up.
A good time was had by all!