Saturday, July 4, 2020

Week 16 in Quarantine (last days in Seattle, Blueberry picking and Family comes to visit)

On Sunday Rylee spent some time reading to Amos and Fredrick, these boys are so lucky to have such fun and loving cousins! Joshua's Ward does a church service through Zoom and it was nice to be able to participate in that. It was a quick service, they had a youth seeker and an adult speaker both speaking for about 5 minutes and they did some primary time, in all it lasted 30 minutes.
After church some of us left to go on a nice Sunday walk. We walked through subdivisions and walked through foresty trails to end up down by the boat dock. It was a beautiful walk and only turned into a hike on the way back when we had to go back up the hill we walked down. 
Avynlea, Rylee and Jaylynn went with Amos and Fredrick out on one of the docks to explore.
On the hike back home we spotted these cool Angel Wings on someone's fence. I got Avynlea to pose in front of them and she looks like a pretty cute Angel.
I got to spend some time hanging with my pal Amos, he is so cute and has a fun personality. On Saturday I wore my 4th of July dress, it is grey with red and white stripes on one sleeve and blue with white stars on the other sleeve. When Amos saw me in my dress he proclaimed me the American Flag and proceeded to sing "She's a grand ol Flag" at me. It was pretty funny and I loved hearing him sing the song.

Rylee took pictures of Avynlea making up her Grandma's bed for her, what a happy helper she is.
Monday morning was our day to leave Seattle. We had such a great time with the Lutes family and loved being able to visit them despite the pandemic going on. 
Rylee, Avynlea and Jaylynn
Amos, Grandma Bonnie, Fredrick, Joshua and Mallory
Heather and Elizabeth

Kefford helped Joshua and Mallory find a new car, they are having their third baby in a couple of months and needed something bigger. He found one that they liked and bought in Meridian so I drove their new Toyota Highlander to them. That left us without a vehicle to drive back home in so Joshua rented us a minivan to use. Their wasn't any parking by the rental place and Joshua had to drop us off to get the van, it was pretty sketchy and we had to pass some really sketchy people but we got the van, brought it to Joshua's, loaded up and headed off to Meridian. 
Heather came with me to the rental place so she could have her name listed as one of the drivers. I drove partway and then had her take over for a while.It was so nice to have another person help with the 8 hour drive. It gave me a chance to rest and relax and it was not a bad drive with all of us chatting and being together.

On Tuesday we went Blueberry picking with our Peterson Family. It was fun to see them and to pick some delicious blueberries. With all of my teenagers helped we got about 16 pounds of Blueberries. Not a bad haul. 
front row: Jason, Hazel, Kinsley, Garrett and Caleb
middle row: James, Xander, Kelly, Tayvia, Jenna, Madison and Sadie
back row: Asher, Lainey, Kenedy, Brooke, Rylee, Amelia, Brielle, Qiana and Avynlea

Avynlea, Elizabeth, Heather, Rylee, Kenedy and Jaylynn

On Wednesday we got out first shaved ice of the summer. We went to the stand that is over by the Target because it had good shade and lots of seating. It got a little chilly eating our ice's and so after a little bit Mom, Heather, Avynlea  and I deflected to go sit in the warm vehicle and finish our treats. 

After our shaved ice we went into Target to get a couple of things. After we checked out I was trying to get a picture of Heather and I when we got photobombed by my selfie loving kids. After a couple of toys we finally got one of just the two of us.

Out pool has been shut down 3 times since it opened up because of poop in the pool and that is not ok.
Kenedy and McKoy made this "Poopon in the pool is NOT Permitted" sign and hung it up at the pool. We all got a kick out of seeing it on Facebook and are glad that people are appreciative of their efforts. 

Rylee and Jaylynn pulled out Avynlea's and Rylee's about me books from their first grade days and I loved this page I found in Avynlea's book. I am still waiting for that day but goodness she looks cute in her Authors photo.

When I was younger I was obsessed with the Baby-sitters Club Books. I read them all the time and would play The Baby-Sitters Club with my sisters, I was always Stacy. When I got married I was a newlywed living on the farm in Nyssa, I didn't know anyone, I was homesick and I was lonely. I would go to the library and check out the Baby-Sitters Club books and they were my comfort food, reading those really helped me. Netflix just released the first season of The Baby-Sitters Club and I was so excited. I was even more excited that I had family here to watch it with me. It was so fun to gather and watch this beloved series, it was very Politically Correct and they threw anything and everything into the series to make it that way which was a little annoying and weird but I still loved it and hope to see more seasons in the future. 

We wanted to go and do something fun and I saw that the Nampa pool was open for reservations with limited numbers. We were able to all go on Friday afternoon and we had fun hanging out in the pool. Avynle and Rylee took advantage of the waterslide and went down that a lot which they really liked. We probably won't be going back because my kids were the only teenagers there, it was more of a younger kid thing but we had fun anyway.
Heather, Isabelle, Emily, Elizabeth, Kenedy, Avynlea, Jaylynn and Rylee

I thought Kenedy looked like a supermodel when we were leaving to head back home so I snapped a picture
Kefford came and picked up Rylee and Avynlea from the pool so they could go to Madison's baptism. Ryker was supposed to go but there was miscommunication with his church clothes getting their and Kenedy had plans so she couldn't go. I had my family in town and didn't want to leave them for the 3-4 hours it would have taken for the baptism and I hope all of the Peterson's understood. I rarely get to see my family and I wasn't wanting to leave them even for a little bit, my time with them is precious. I did send candy and a note for Madison. Whitney sent me the pictures she took of Madison with our family and they all look so good.
Later in in the evening we needed a girls getaway so Mom, Emily, Heather and I snuck away for some ice-cream therapy. It was nice to be able to talk to my family and have heart to heart conversations
Nobody knows why AVynlea was wearing goggles but Rylee took some pictures of her being a weirdo. 
Saturday was the 4th of July! I love this holiday and was really excited to have some family here to celebrate with. We decided to barbecue hamburgers and we had potato salad, watermelon and chips. We also had s'mores for later, I love s'mores! Kefford bought a canopy and we set that up and ate outside and visited and took pictures. Our city wasn't doing any fireworks because of Covid but there were enough neighborhood fireworks that we still had a show to watch. It was a great holiday and I had a lot of fun!