Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rylee turns 5!

Rylees fifth birthday started out with her being allowed to open one present. She opened the present from Grandma Bonnie because it had come in the mail the day before and the suspense was killing her. She kept asking the day before all day long if she could open it but I said no she had to wait. And wait she did, until the next morning. Grandma Alison came over the day before and Rylee got to open her present which was some cute outfit. Lucky for us so that Rylee could have something new and cute to wear on her special day.
So Rylee opened up her package and found a super cute Princess Piggy Bank that her Grandma bought her from Disneyland. The little darling of course loved it and loved the sound of change she heard coming from the inside.
So once we got through the day we had dinner, which was pancakes, and then Rylee got to open the rest of her presents.
As you will be able to tell from looking at the next set of pictures Rylee has been well trained in the art of picture taking. I did not once have to tell her to pose or smile as soon as the present was opened she turned to me, displayed the gift and smiled for the camera. She is an easy one!
Rylee loves watching Dora and so I bought her a movie so that she can watch Dora in the car or whenever she wants. I have since regretted this a little since it has been non-stop Dora everywhere we go, but it's OK I just banned her movies from the car for a while.
This girl loves to wear dresses and so I was happy to find some really cute ones for her to indulge in. The great thing with all of these gifts is that she was with me when I picked out and bought all of them. Either I am really good at being sneaky or she is really good at being oblivious.

To go along with the dresses I found some really fun leggings to pair with the plainer dresses. The patterned dresses will be worn with leggings already owned.

She really wanted a new swimming suit and picked out this really cute Hello Kitty one!
And of course the girl who loves dresses needs to have a dress to wear to bed, so she got a new nightgown!
Grandma Marge sent Rylee some money which as soon as it was opened went right into the piggy bank. She said she is going to save money until her piggy bank is full and then she will buy whatever she wants. Awesome!
Rylee wanted a Rapunzel themed birthday and so I got balloons and cups and plates with Rapunzel on them and then made pink cupcakes with purple sprinkles. She was a happy girl!

5 Things I Love About Rylee:

1) She is my cuddler and loves to give me hugs and kisses. I love snuggling up with her especially in the winter because I am always cold and she is always hot so she acts as my personal heater!

2)Rylee loves to help me around the house. Not all the time but often enough that it is appreciated she will get the urge to clean and will tidy up her bedroom and makes all of her siblings beds. She is so sweet.

3) Rylee has a fun imagination and has no problem playing by herself and losing herself in her games. I love overhearing her while playing with her barbies because she gets so into it.

4)Rylee is a leader and is a big help to her teacher at pre-school. Her teacher often tells me that Rylee likes to help the boys solve their conflicts without getting bossy or know it all about it.

5) Rylee is a beautiful dancer and is so fun to watch in dance class. She really gets into it and always does her best!

Rylees Favorite Things:

Food: chicken nuggets
treat: cotton candy and M&M's
movie: Rapunzel
TV Show:Dora the Explorer
Color: Dark pink and purple
Toy: Brittney the hamster
Friend: Gus Gus and Brylyn
animal: Hamsters and ponies
thing to do outside: play at the park with family
Book: Dora
Color book: Strawberry Shortcake
primary song: Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
about thing about being five: That sometimes I won't suck my thiumb