Saturday, September 28, 2013


This past summer instead of doing Girls Camp and High Adventure our ward did a Trek. As soon as I heard about this adventure I had a feeling I was going to be involved. I thought it was a cool thing they were doing for the youth and I was all for it I just was not excited about the thought of me possibly going. I am not sure why I just didn't want to do it. But eventually I did get the calling to be on the photography commitee. I was happy with that because I got to be with my friend Lana, but then they changed their minds and made me an Aunt with the Pierce family. I was OK with that because I liked all the ones in this particular family. Then minds were changed again and I was put back on photography...ok. Then they changed me again and put me back to being an Aunt. I was a little boggled with all the changing but they assured me this was where they wanted and needed me. I just figured I was so awesome and wanted by so many people they had a hard time placing me. :) 

Kenedy and I bought some material so we could make our skirts and bonnets. Kenedy made her two bonnets and I made the skirts and my bonnet. 

Kenedy and Lauren Warner
Lanette Blackburn and Elizabeth

I am proud to say that Kenedy and I did not get one blister the entire Trek. We wore hiking boots and two pairs of socks, one nylon and one cotton, and all of this combined did a really great job of protecting our feet. The only ailment was this rash I found on my leg. It did not hurt at all just looked strange. I think it was a heat rash. So glad we were blessed to not have any blisters on our feet. Lots and lots of other Trekkers had lots and lots of blisters but we were spared.

Kenedy had one moment where she was hot and tired and dehydrated and had a little breakdown. She was crying and upset that she was crying thinking she was the only one who was having a hard time. I quickly reassured her that we all were having a hard time. I had her take off her possibilities bag and her apron and I took them for a while and after I sprayed her with water I told her she needed to drink more water and made her drink some down. Luckily she felt better pretty quick and was able to move on. A little bit later I got overheated and had to sit down but once I got sprayed with the water I felt better. 

This little bag was given to us filled with 3 ounces of flour. It represented how little the saints were living on as they were making their way to try and meet the supply wagons. 

I really felt the Spirit the entire time out here which was exactly what I wanted and needed. The spiritual committee did such a good job making everything feel real. All of the speakers and activities really helped to bring in the Spirit. One day did not pass with me not crying because of how strong the Spirit was. I will admit to being happy that I had the opportunity to come and really got out of it what I wanted to. The only thing that was a bummer was the lack of good water. I love ice cold water and not having that and having to drink so much stale, warm and sometimes hot water was not a good time. 
On the last day we stopped at some point and they read off the list of names of those of us that had died. We all were Trekking for real Saints that were a part of the Willie and Martin handcart companies and not all of them made it to the valley. Kenedy was Trekking for Bodil Malene Mortensen and I was Trekking for Rebecca Lubbock Stimpson and unfortunately both of us died. This part was a sob fest for me also. Just imaging all the hope and excitement they all felt for what they were doing and then how devastating it had to have been to lose family members along the way. What is inspiring is that despite all of the deaths and sickness and hardships you would be hard pressed to find a single person from these companies say it was not worth it. That is what I want to remember that despite all of our modern day trials it is worth it to make it back to be with my Heavenly Father and that I can do hard things. These Saints are so inspiring and if they can do all this and keep the Faith then why not me also!

After we "died" we had armbands tied on our arms with a picture of the soon to be Meridian Temple and we were then told to go on ahead. We had to walk away from the group and go on the last couple of miles without them. 

Once we were all back together at the meet the busses place we signed our names and the name of the  person we Trekked for on this banner. Then we were officially done with Trek. It was a good experience but I cannot say that I would be an eager beaver to do it again. Kenedy loved it and talks often about how she misses being on Trek and how it was so great. I am glad that it was a good experience for all of the youth. I will say how impressed I am with the youth of our Ward. This was a hard journey and not once did any body complain. They were positive and encouraging and so loving to each other. They were such great examples to all of us.