Monday, July 29, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 21

Happy Week!!

🎳Last Pday we went to Suwa to meet another set of missionaries and went to an arcade and bowling!!! It was lots of fun! Basically everyone was coming at me because how bad I was at bowling. Everyone took it upon themselves to try to "teach" me but I didn't care. I was there for a good time, not to beat 4 elders ðŸ˜’which btw I did beat 1 hehe.

🦶Monday night my comp was walking down the stairs and twisted her ankle. As a result she could not walk the next day. Idk how she was okay that night, but I guess it got really sore throughout the night. The funny thing is the translation for ankle in Japanese is "foot neck". So she kept saying her foot neck hurt hahaha. It was pretty funny. We stayed in the apartment most the day, until the evening time when it was feeling better!!

📚We had another Book of Mormon day where we hand out as many as we can. Last time our mission handed out 280. Our goal this time was 300, we ended up handing out 433!! So amazing! With a tiny tiny bit of help from my comp, I was able to explain and hand out a Book of Mormon to a woman. It was all in Japenese and mostly by myself. Huge miracle from Heavenly Father!

🚿 A member took us and the elders to a BEAUTIFUL waterfall. Somehow the elders convinced me and my comp to take our shoes off with them and stand in the freezing cold water. It was a beautiful place though!

❤Japanese Tips❤
- The bells I talked about last time are not just for fun, they are bear bells!! To keep the bears away. I found this out and I was like OHHHHH
- The kids here LOVE pokemon. Apparently it's not just a stereotype
- don't say to someone you like their pants or "pantsu" (Japanese accent) because that means underwear ðŸ˜” then it gets very awkward.

💗I have been thinking a lot of how Jesus Christ actually brings joy into our lives. Everyone says that, but how? It wasn't til I was in a deep talk with my companion that I realized why. Jesus Christ performed the Atonement so we can comfortably live life. So we don't have to stress about being perfect with no mistakes. Because of Him we can try things, make mistakes, become our own person and still recieve salvation. 
We can repent and KNOW we are forgiven.
3 Nephi 18:22
"...return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal [you]"
I know this to be true. Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to become who He knows you can become. Keep working hard!!
I love you!
God loves you!
Make it a good week!

<3 Sister Peterson