Saturday, July 13, 2024

Kayaking in Long Beach and Attempted Trump Assassination

 Saturday morning was Heathers Birthday and she had the great idea to go Kayaking in Long Beach. We kayaked down long canals and it was fun to see all of the different houses and boats that lined the canals.

I shared at kayak with Heather and with her in the front I was able to continue living my life as the passenger princess. Just kidding, I helped do my share of paddling, kind of :)
We were doing a lot of leisurely sight seeing and paddling and got a little behind everyone. Ryker stayed back to be with us and it wasn't until after we got pictures back form everyone that we saw he was hanging on to our kayak and Heather had two passenger princesses :). He only did it for a while he mostly stayed to the side of us to help keep us from hitting any boats, which we did not do, thank heavens. we might have gotten close to some but we didn't hit any. Ryker helped us out but I also got good at steering us away from any danger.

The kayaking adventure really was a lot of fun and I would do it again for sure. I think it would be fun to go with Kefford and the kids sometime when we are down visiting. 
Andrew Brown, Atticus, Abigail, Ashleigh, Ryker, Heather, Elizabeth, Jeremy, Stephanie, Anthony and Emily

After we got back from kayaking we hung out visiting in Moms living room. Jeremy was starting to not feel good and I took a picture of him during one of the times he dozed off a little. I love my big brother and am so glad he came and did the kayaking and hung out with us afterwards. He is a lot of fun to be with and I love his peaceful nature.
Ryker got to play with Atticus for a bit, Atticus loved watching Ryker play Minecraft on his computer and Ryker showed him some fun stuff on his phone.
Before we left to take Ryker to the airport I got a picture of him with his Aunts and Grandma. It was fun to have Ryker with us and it was sad to see his go back to Utah.
Heather, Ashleigh, Ryker, Grandma Bonnie and Emily

Donald Trump is running for President again and the big, awful news of the day was that there was an assassination attempt on his life. We were watching the news and reading things about it on instagram and it was awful. He was hit in the ear but only because at the last second he turned his head otherwise the bullet would have gone straight through his forehead. Politically our nation is a mess and there is a lot of negativity and accusations on both sides but attempting to kill someone is awful no matter who that person is. I love our Country and have a lot of American pride, patriotic songs still give me all the feels and make me cry. It is so sad to me to see how badly our Country is being divided and torn apart. I really am worried about the future and what life will look like in a couple of years but I always remember President Nelsons talk on Joy and remember what even through life's perils we can find joy and that brings me comfort. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over us and I pray for good things to happen for our Country out of this election.