Monday, July 15, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 19

The green Sweater

Crazy week you guys!!

💐The first half of this week Takahashi 槉ćŠč and I got to do exchanges with our STL!!! Super fun! We traveled to literalllyyyy the other side of our mission. About a 5 hour trip there, but it was worth it. I might have explained this before, but STL is Sister Training Leader. She is another sister who was given this role to help other missionaries. I pray one day I will become one so I can impact other sisters' lives as my STLs have impacted mine!

🙇We saw many small miracles and it just reminds me to not take things for granted. God has a plan and a perfect path, he put people in my life this week so I could bless them with the gospel! We handed out a gospel Pamphlet to a man that did not want to give us any time, but as he was walking away I watched him. As far as I could see him walking away his nose was in the Pamphlet reading. I pray that the things he learns sinks in and someday he will be able to recieve the fullness of the information.

🐘We had zone conference! A bunch of areas together is a zone. Kinda like a school district. Zone Conference was so amazing and I know I said I love my mission presidents before, but holy cow. They are so amazing and have been a HUGE blessing to me. I can't even express how excited I am to serve with them for 14 more months!! YAYYY unfortunately though me and my comp are the only sisters in our zone, so basically 2 little kitties in the room with like 20 elephants. Because the elders are like elephants in my head. Little scary. Don't worry though the elders are nice... kinda. 
💚👚HA as a joke I gave an elder a sweater to have. But he like actually likes it. I will put in a picture. Basically everyone was trying to figure out how to tell him it was too girly. We tried but I am not sure if it fully sunk into his head haha. Ahhhh 

đŸ˜±Last week I mentioned a woman named Rhea. The one we are teaching Japanese to. She is Catholic so we asked her if she prays. She said yes, morning and night, and prays about personal things. After a little bit more questions we figured out she has a really good relationship with God. She is the sweetest and so amazing, I can't wait to see where things go with her!

❤️Japan Tips❤️
- Japanese people are serious about their umbrellas! Raining? Umbrella. sunshine? Umbrella. Felt only one raindrop? Where's my Umbrella. *example pic below*
- There are like a lot of big spiders. At home I would see an occasional big spider, but here, all of them are huge. Gives me the jeebies
- Luckily in Matsumoto, the air is clear and nice because we are are right against the mountains and the elevation is higher. But in Nagoya, SO HUMID. LIKE UNREAL HUMID. 
❤thats all i have to say❤

☀️I want to share something that was shared to me from an incredibly strong woman in my family! She sends out an email once a week with the most amazing spiritual thoughts. In her email last week she shared something that really stuck with me. 
-These next thoughts are mine, not hers- :) These things, in this order is how we find true joy. The way I see it, is not about taking care of things in this order, but THINKING of things in this order. Imagine this world if people thought of Jesus Christ and others before themselves. This is a huge thing that I have decided I am going to work on and keep on my mind. This is my mission. Will everyone join me? Can we please start thinking of Jesus Christ and others before ourselves? I can promise that as we do this, our lives will be filled with a joy that we have never experienced. And the world will become a better place!
Everyone, I know we can do this. I love you all and am so so so thankful for every single person's example to me. 
God loves you and is by your side always.

Make it a good week!!

<3 Sister Peterson

-Elder with his new favorite sweater hahahhaaaa
-The Pic of my comp and her umbrella, ya was not raining at all haha i told youuuu
- the area we had exchanges at is seaside, I SAW THE OCEAN đŸ˜đŸ˜