Monday, July 15, 2024

Goat Yoga

Kim Hansen and Jessica Lewis were having a joint birthday this year and decided to do Goat Yoga. I have had to say no to many things I am invited to in this group and had to miss Kims birthday past year so I felt bad at the thought of saying no to this one. I wasn't super excited about doing goat yoga but I said yes and hoped to make the best of it. I talked Erica into saying yes as well and we rode together to the place. Neither of us were super excited about doing yoga in general let alone with goats but it was going to be a fun group of people and we had each other so I felt like it would be ok. 
I was expecting small goats that climbed on us but what was there were really big goats. They did not climb on us but they had no problem coming right uo to us, walking across our mats, even pooping and peeing right next to us an din some cases on peoples mats. Thanks heavens I did not have one poop or pee on my mat but there was poop right next to me and it made me nervous to even think about placing any part of my body on the grass.

I am not an animal person and not like animals getting close to me. I did my best to tolerate the goats but if they got in my space I would gently try to push them away. Some of the pictures that were taken by others with me in them make me laugh because I look so uncomfortable with the goats being close. 
This goats expression was pretty funny, he just looked like he was so uninterested and didn't care about any of what was going on around him.
The actual yoga was fine, it was about a half hour long and it was very gentle easy yoga. If I had known that at the beginning I would have tried harder to do more of the moves. As it was I am afraid I spent more time trying to keep the goats away and keeping my body off the grass to avoid the poop. The goats really had no problem coming right up to us and I did take a picture with this one before gently pushing him off my mat.

When we were getting to the end she had us look to the people next to us and give them a compliment. I told Arin she was beautiful and all I got in return was "you are doing great", thanks friend. We linked up in tree pose to represent helping each other and being a support system for our friends, cheesy but cute.

Arin, Elizabeth, Brooke and Erica

Once it was done we took more pictures, washed our feet, drank lemonade and visited with each other. I had family in town and I didn't want to stay too long so after giving hugs to the birthday girls Erica and I headed home.

back row: Tiffany Speakman, Keri Shoemaker, Emily Walker, Arin Lamb, Laura Johnson, Erica Lish, Abby Eaton and Natalie Main
front row: Lisa Elder, Katie Givens, Jeni Lindley, Kim Hansen, Jessica Lewis, Brooke Lewis, and Elizabeth Peterson