Sunday, September 1, 2024

Ryker and Anna

 I don't think I will ever understand the obsession with the .5 feature on my phone but Rylee loves it and loves to take pictures during sacrament meeting.

Ryker has not been able to see Anna since their time in California although they have been video calling each other every day. She had plans to go to Provo for the Labor Day weekend to see her sister and family so Ryker went to go stay with Kenedy and Ty for the weekend so he and Anna could spend time together. Ryker and Anna did things with her family that Friday and Saturday but were also able to go to Salt Lake City so that Kenedy and Ty could meet Anna and spend some time with both of them. I told Kenedy to take pictures and send them to me because Ryker is very bad at remembering to take pictures. While we were on our weekly video call with Avynlea I had told Kenedy to send the pictures and these are the ones she sent...

I laughed and made fun of the fact that all the pictures she got were sneaky spy shots and not good pictures of the two of them. I could not believe that Kenedy failed me and did not get any good pictures of Ryker and Anna. When I brought it up she said she did that on purpose and they knew she was taking the sneaky shots. She was trying to mess with me and it worked, hahaha.  She then sent the better pictures she took and I appreciated it. They went to the park by Kenedy's Apartment and had fun doing the paddle boats and Ferris wheel.

It was a good weekend for Ryker, he got to spend time with Anna and they made their relationship official and she is now his girlfriend. They are pretty cute together and I like hearing him talking about her because of how much he likes her, it is pretty adorable.
I was putting Rylee's hair in the cozy curlers I have while we were video chatting with Avynlea and Kenedy and I did not know until I saw it on my phone that Rylee took a screen shot of all of us. I love my girls and love being able to talk to Avynlea every Sunday night.