Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ryker in the bIshopric

 Rylee has a new Seminary teacher this year that she is not fond of. She says the teacher does not know her name and is constantly calling her Reese even though she corrects her all the time. She also is not fond of the way she teaches and wishes she could have last years seminary teacher back. I told her she needs to give the teacher a chance and just keep reminding her of her name. Rylee sent me a message the other day asking if I received an email from her seminary teacher and upon checking I told her I did not. She was frustrated about that because she said that her friends parents have been getting emails from Sister Bennett praising them on their participation in class and how much she likes them. Rylee felt slighted even though she says she is a good student and is always answering questions and offering good spiritual comments in class. I let it be because whatever and then I did finally see an email from her teacher and so I screenshot it and sent it to Rylee so she could see that she also got one, the teacher knew her name and it was a nice email.

Saturday night I was thinking about the entryway table and how I wanted to start putting my Halloween stuff out but I felt like it needed a Halloween style table runner. I have one for Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, that I could use but it didn't feel right. I was thinking about the basic I have leftover from a Halloween Witch quilt I made and thought I could use that and come up with something. Sunday morning I started my project and I just started cutting strips and sewing them together. I then thought about doing some squares and used the spider material to make squares and sew them together in a checkerboard pattern. I had extra batting and a backing fabric from a previous project and machine quilted the top, middle and bottom layers together. I then found some black fabric in my stash to use for the binding. The black fabric was not my ideal choice, it was a stretchy lycra type fabric but it's what I had and I made it work. I really love how it turned out and that I was able to create a runner for that table that used fabric I had at home.
Saturday morning Kefford and I got up a little early to drive to Logan so Kefford could set Ryker apart as a High Priest and so we could be there for Ryker being set apart as second Counselor in his Bishopric. I was surprised when Ryker let us know about his new calling just because he is so young but for the past couple of years the student wards have started using students as counselors in their Bishoprics which is pretty cool. When we arrived we picked Ryker up and headed over to the church to meet with his Stake President. His Stake President was super kind and had a lot of good information that he shared with us about how to help bring others unto Christ. I really liked all of his advice and information but we were sitting there for an hour and after 4+ hours in the car my back was killing me and I needed him to get on with the setting apart so I could move out of the chair. Finally Kefford was able to set Ryker apart as a High Priest and then the Stake President set him apart in his new calling. Both of the blessings were really good and I wished I would have thought to ask permission to record them for Ryker. Hopefully he will remember the important bits. 
After the setting apart we went back to the dorms so we could change our clothes, as we got out of the car I remembered to take some pictures before we went inside and changed our clothes. After that we then went to lunch at a local place called "Angies". The food was really good and it was fun to spend a little bit of time with Ryker before we left to drive back home. The drives to and from Logan were ok. I was happy that Kefford was driving so that I could shift positions as needed for my back and we listened to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban which helped pass the time.