Sunday, September 22, 2024

Uncle Roy

 On September 19th I woke up and was looking at Facebook on my phone when I saw a post from my Aunt Carol saying that my Uncle Roy had passed away on the 17th. This was a shock to me and I screenshot the post and sent it to my Mom and siblings group chat. This was the first any of us had heard about the death and we were sad for Aunt Carol but we did not have a relationship with my Uncle so it wasn't a devastating thing. He lived a long and good life and I can be happy that he is in a better place. Since my Dad's funeral I have see him once which was at Ashleigh's wedding and that was also the only time we have talked. I have good memories of him from when I was little and just have an image in my head of being at Grandma and Grandpa Lutes's house and seeing Uncle Roy playing Pool with his two sons, my Cousins Don and Robert who were much older than me. Uncle Roy was always nice and did his fair amount of gentle teasing when we was with us kids but we really did not see him a lot and that was ok. I think after my Dad's passing he could have done more to help my Mom or at least check in on her regularly but he did not and I wonder if my Dad is going to ask him about that when they see each other again. I do think he was a good man and probably just did not feel he had to worry about my Mom or our family. I wish we could have seen him more to have a better relationship but maybe that is something that can happen after this life.

Kenedy saw this post on Facebook which was a jump scare for her and very strange. I don't know who put it there, Kefford says maybe AI, and while I think it is weird I just had a thought that maybe it was a good way for the friends and family who only follow him to find out about his passing.