Monday, August 26, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 25


💙Yesterday was Byron's baptism and it was so amazing! This was my first time going to a convert's baptism and I loved it! The whole program was in English because he is from New Zealand, so I really got to appreciated everything. It is interesting because in Japan, it takes a lot of teaching and understanding for a person to be Baptised. And Japanese are really stuck in their Buddhist culture ways. So when a baptism happens, not too often, it is pretty powerful and meaningful. I am happy I got to be apart of it. -just wait for next week đŸ˜‰đŸ˜‰-

🐬 Last Pday we went to the aquarium with some other missionaries and oh my goodness you guys. I had the best time. We got to watch a dolphin show and it was so precious. The cute little dolphins seemed so excited to show us their tricks and jumps. There were some balooga whales, turtles, jellyfish, lots of other aquarium things! Overall 8/10 aquarium. (They didn't really have sharks:/)

🏀Haha I made an absolute fool of myself on Friday. As most of you could probably guess, I am just not good at all at basketball. But we were invited to play with some people. We show up and it's literally the elders and all teenage Japanese boys (+2 older ppl) who are SO GOOD at basketball. My comp didn't want to play, so I was on my own. Idk how I did it but I ended up scoring a whole 6 points for my team WOOP! I will not tell you the total point we had and let you think 6 is a lot! 

đŸ±We had zone conference this Friday and wow, so amazing. As always of course. (I also got to see my favorite Sister Harris from the MTC! Oh I love her!!) The main thing I learned and am really trying to work on is being mindful and present. My brain tends to wander a lot and over think a lot. Especially being on the mission this can be a problem and has become one quickly. I over think small things I have done, maybe I didn't talk to a person I walked by, I stress because I do not know the Japanese for my next lesson, etc. It's hard. But I am working on focusing on things around me, being more present and allowing the spirit to just guide me, and trusting that God will always pull through!

Alma 36:3 
"for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."

I am sorry, I have to cut this email short. I am exhausted and have lots to do. 
Next week's email will be more fun! 
I love you all!
God loves you too!!

<3 Sister Peterson 

Also my bike ATE my skirt  and tore it so bad đŸ˜ž very unfortunate, humbling, exposing moment for me. (ごめん Ferraz 槉ćŠč, the skirt was great while it lasted😊😘)

Also my mom already chastised me for freezing unpeeled bananas, and I have already understood why you gotta peel the bananas, THEN freeze them. So I don't want to hear it.