Monday, August 5, 2024


 On Saturday Kefford, Rylee and I went to Emmett for the double baptism of Kinsley and Hazel. Kinsey asked Rylee to give the talk on Baptism and I thought she did a fantastic job. 

"Hello, my name is Rylee Peterson for those who don’t know, *pause for laughter* I

would like to express how special it is to me that Kinsley asked me to talk and be a part

of her day. I have loved watching both of these girls grow up and I can’t believe they are

already 8 years old and getting baptized! I am so proud of both of them for making this

very important decision and choosing to become closer to their Heavenly Father and

Jesus Christ. I know their lives will be blessed because of it.

Kinsley asked me to talk about baptism. I got baptized almost 10 years ago but I can

still remember it to this day. At such a young age, I was able to feel the spirit so strong,

and I hope that everyone here can feel that same spirit too. Being baptized is very

important to God’s plan for us. It shows our commitment and faith towards him. It allows

us to come “into the fold of God, and to be called his people” (Mosiah 18:8). So really,

one reason we are baptized is to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

But what does this mean, to be a part of His church? Well, for starters, it means to be

like Jesus. Showing kindness to everyone around you as Jesus would. Letting your light

shine just as Jesus has taught. Mainly, being baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ

means keeping the Lord’s commandments throughout our lives.

Being a part of His church also means that we receive blessings from Heaven. In his

talk “Accessing God’s Power through Covenants”, Elder Renlund said, “Each person

who makes covenants in baptismal fonts and in temples- and keeps them- has

increased access to the power of Jesus Christ to lift us above the pull of this fallen

world. We can access the power of God, but only when we connect with Him through

sacred covenants.” By choosing to be baptized and becoming a member of Jesus

Christ’s church, we are going to receive blessings that are meant to help us return to

our Father in Heaven. But only through the covenant we make with him when we are


I would like to bear my testimony that I know Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and a

part of that plan is to be baptized. I know that Jesus Christ set the perfect example for

all of us by getting baptized, simply because it was a commandment from God. I know

that Heavenly Father will bless us immensely for our faith in him by choosing to be

baptized into this church and follow in Jesus Christ’s way. I say these things in the name

of Jesus Christ, Amen."

It was fun that these Cousins were able to have their Baptisms together. Whitney and Brit hosted a lunch after the Baptisms at Brits house and after we were done eating we got pictures with the cutie just Baptized girls and then headed home. Kefford wanted picture of Kinsley with just her head poking out which was a funny picture. 

Elizabeth, Kefford, Hazel, Kinsley and Rylee
Rylee tried to get a picture with Dillon who looks visibly uncomfortable and awkward with the idea. hahaha

Whitney asked me if I would watch her kids so they could take Madison to do Baptisms at the Temple with Rylee and some of their Cousins. I was happy to play Barbies with Kinsley and Lainey while Kefford entertained Sadie and Dillon with video games while their parents and big sister were at the temple. No pictures but I do love when we get to have Whitneys kids come over. I don't really want to play Barbies but they love having me play barbies with them and I like that a lot.
Rylee, Qiana, Brielle, Tayvia, Madison, Brooke, Jenna and Asher

On Monday Kefford Rylee and I went to watch Starlights mountain Theaters stage production of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". We had a lot of fun watching the show although there were parts that made Rylee and I mildly uncomfortable, hahaha. The innuendos and the more sexual overtones made it feel like it should have come with a PG-13 rating. Our friends the Tomlinsons were there as well and happened to be sitting right in front of us and it was fun to talk with them before the show. I did enjoy the show it was just the sexual emphasis made me cringe a little.
Kefford had his 20th High School reunion on Friday and Saturday. Friday night they met at the bowling alley, Kefford was working in Baker that day and by the time he came home and we headed over they were halfway through their games and we stood around, me awkwardly, while Kefford talked with his High School pals. I was able to talk to Maria Draper and Sheila Hartley a little bit which was nice. After bowling was over Kefford and I went for burgers with Kevin and Maria Draper, Michael and Sheila Hartley, Brian Pratt, and Damon Henry. It was fun being with them and hearing their High School stories and reminiscing. 

The next day all the guys went golfing and then there was a catered dinner at the coffee shop in Nyssa. I did not know most of the people and was pretty bored during this dinner. One of their teachers was invited and she came and sat with me and talked to me for a good hour. She was very old but very nice and at least I had someone to talk to.

A random picture of me that I really like.