Friday, August 16, 2024

First Day of School and Senior Sunrise

Rylee had her last first day of High School and I had my last kids first day of school. It is definitely bitter sweet and next year looks a little sad to me right now but I love Rylee so much and am so grateful for this last year together with it being just her at home. I remember when she started Kindergarten and how excited she was to go to school and I was so excited for her. She would come home at lunchtime and tell me about her day and it was so fun to have that one on one time. She struggled in first grade having to be gone from home all day and would come home and tell me she cried because she missed me so much. I started taking time at night to read with just her and promised her I would come and volunteer in her classroom every Friday if she would be brave and not cry at school. I also gave her a picture of our family to keep at her desk so that she could look at it when she was feeling sad. I loved those days with her and the memories and I love the days we have now with just the two of us having fun together. Rylee has been my little buddy for 17 years and now she is a Senior and we are still having fun and making memories. I hope this year of school is a good one. To be honest Rylee was not thrilled about starting school and even though it is her Senior year and a milestone I think she would love to skip it all together and move on to going to college with Avynlea. She is trying to have a good attitude about this last year of school and it will go quicker than she thinks and I wish.
Rylee came while my hair was processing at my last hair appointment to get her hair trimmed. While she was doing that I suddenly thought maybe Rylee could get some money pieces put in her hair. I mentioned it to Rylee and my hair stylist and Mandy said she would love to do it and would have time but Rylee said she was ok to not do it. After her trim Rylee left and then sent me a text 2 minutes later saying she changed her mind and could she get the money pieces put in. She came back at the end of my appointment for the color to be put in and when she came home with the blonde money pieces I thought it looked so pretty but it was crazy to me how it changed the look of her. She wasn't sure about it because it was so different to her but once she got used to it she likes it a lot and was glad she had it done.
Kindergarten                                           Senior year

A couple of days after the first day of school was Senior sunrise. Rylee woke up extra early to get to the High School to watch the sunrise with her friends and classmates on the football field. 
Rylee and Haley

l-r: Isabel, Cloe, Claire, ?, Haley, Avery, Shay, Rylee, Esther, Brinleigh, Makayla, Ian, Brant

Last year I planted Zinnias in the front yard around our tree and it was fun to have them and to see the color. They are a one season flower and when fall came and they died it was sad to see them go. This year I never got around to planting flowers but out of the blue this little zinnia popped up and surprised me with an encore appearance. I love that this flower somehow survived the winter and frost and it makes me smile every time I see it.