Thursday, August 22, 2024

Relief Society Spotlight

 Our Relief Society does a Sister Spotlight in the newsletter once a month. When I got the list of questions I thought they sent it to everyone and I put it aside and didn't think about it. In the next newsletter that was sent out they added a blurb about the spotlight and said if you got the email questions about it then it is your turn for a spotlight. After that I got another email with the same questions and I immediately stressed because I knew I had to do it. It took me a while to finally get around to it and once I wrote it out and sent it in I stressed even more and regretted everything I said. I am just not good at talking about myself and feel super self conscience knowing that sisters in the ward are reading it. Nevertheless it got sent and maybe read and I am posting it here as well because why not.

I grew up in Southern California and love being able to go back a couple of times a year to visit my family, I love the beach, Disneyland and my family so my visits to the West Coast are always a win/win.  I grew up a member of the church, my Dad was a convert at 19 and my Mom is a second generation member, I have always looked up to them for their dedication to and love for the Lord and am so grateful for how I was raised and their examples. 
I went to Ricks College where I studied dance, I was not into school and when I couldn't come up with something I wanted to major in my Mom suggested Dance and I thought that was a great idea. I have taught dance for over 12 years, more recently I have scaled back my teaching schedule and now teach just two classes a week on Monday mornings. I teach a 2's class and a 3-5 year olds class and I love my littles so much. Every year I get the cutest kids and I have a lot of fun teaching and loving them. 
I have 4 kids, my oldest is Kenedy, she is 24 and is married to Tyler, they live in Salt Lake City where he is attending the University of Utah. Next we have Ryker who is 21, he served a mission in Texas and is now attending Utah State. Avynlea is 19 and she is currently serving in the Japan, Nagoya mission where she is trying to survive the humidity and language barriers. Rylee is our youngest, she is 17 and just started her Senior year of High School. I love my kids, they are my best friends and I love being their Mom, they are such good examples to me and are so fun to be around. 
With lots of time in my day I am grateful for the few hobbies I have to help occupy that time. I have always loved to read and used to get in trouble in school for reading instead of doing school work or home work. I was taught how to sew by my Mother-in-law when I was a newlywed and made dresses, pajamas and Halloween costumes for my kids. They have not wanted to wear my homemade creations in a long time and so I switched my allegiance from sewing clothes to making quilts. I love the process of quilting and find such satisfaction at the completion of another quilt. Through watching youtube videos and a lot of practice I have learned to style hair and I enjoy doing my hair and have done others hair for weddings, proms, homecomings and Baptisms. My guilty pleasure is Reality TV and that is all I have to say about that ;)
Currently my calling is with the Young Women and I love being with the youth. We have an amazing group of girls, Moms you should be so proud of your daughters, I feel I learn more from them then they do from me. I love this Gospel and am so grateful for a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father. I love attending the Temple, my specialty is initiatory :), and find a lot of peace and love within those walls. I love our Ward and appreciate the love and support shown to our family. I can get shy and awkward sometimes in large groups, I am trying to overcome that and hope I can continue to meet more of the amazing women in our ward.