Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 24

Happy Pday everyone!

Btw Pday means Preparation day! Like a Saturday for us missionaries! Woop woop

🍌Guys, I have been eating like 5 bananas a day... A member from another ward knows one of our elders because he served in that ward previously. Well this man asked if he could give us Bananas so we were like oh sure. HE LITERALLY GAVE US A WHOLE BOX WITH LIKE 100 BANANAS! So our whole apartment smells like Bananas now. I am planning on making banana bread, but please if anyone knows what to do with a bazillion Bananas LET ME KNOW!! I am not sure if I can keep up with my 5 a day streak for much longer.

🏍On Tuesday evening we went out streeting and talked to this man. (I approached him, so I was proud of myself) We told him we have free English classes (eikaiwa) and if he was interested (in Japanese). He responded "a little bit" in English!!! We were like woahhh. We then were able to get his phone number and add him to our eikaiwa group chat! A couple days later he texted us asking if he can bring his friend. We were like ummm of courseeeee! After eikaiwa that night he told us he has ANOTHER friend he wants to bring AND that friends child! So by talking to 1 person, we got 4 more people to our class. It was so amazing!!

🤳Another evening we were streeting again hehe (basically all we do) and we saw this girl named Sashini! We had talked to her a little bit a couple days before while we were all riding bikes but she had to go to work. The conversation was really casual. Well, when she saw us again this evening she was riding her bike while we were walking. Girl screeches her bike to a stop and asks US for OUR phone number! It was amazing! I'm guessing she is about 17-18 years old. She had to zoom off to work again, but I have high hopes for her!

👹We had dinner with a member and her daughter, then they took us to a Matsuri (festival)!! It was fun! There were a lot of people there! When we got there we went over to this area where everyone was doing like Japanese culture dances. They were pretty simple so we joined in! We also walked around the vendor area where they had lots of food. I bought a yummy chocolate covered banana (despite my collection at the apartment) and a frozen can of mandarin oranges haha. Both were amazing! I decided that I literally do not care the price, I am going to buy a kimono. You know, the fancy outfits Japanese people wear. A bunch of people were wearing them around the festival and I felt so left out. 

❤Japan Tips!❤
- People do not say USA, only America. I one time told someone I was from the USA and they were confused until I said America. Idk what that's about.
- Cars here are alwaysss reversed parked. At least at home and work and stuff. Not as much at grocery stores or quick stops like that.
- Even at 9 o'clock at night, with the sun down, you will still be sweating because of the humidity... 😒
-Denwabango is phone number in Japanese
❤You are welcome❤

🎇This week we visited with a member and she shared an incredible personal story that made it into the Ensign (a church magazine) like forever ago! I will attach a picture of it, so PLEASE READ IT!
It is a story about a crazy miracle that happened in her life. Since being on a mission I have gained a testimony of God's miracles. They are not all huge, most often times not, but I know they are all from God.

Mormon 9:11
"But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are."

The same God of these miracle performing ancient prophets is the God who created you. The same Loving Heavenly Father who is always pouring miracles upon you. God works in small ways so please don't overlook the things He does for you! I shared some big miracles that happened this week, but I saw so many more small miracles. Like the chocolate banana being 400¥ instead of 800¥. His miracles are everywhere! Seek them out! You will see what you are looking for. I know this to be true!
I love you all!
A Miraculous God loves you!
Make it a good week!!

<3 Sister Peterson

📸I have to explain some of these pictures...
-While I ate my French toast with bananas and syrup, my (filipino) comp made hers like a ham sandwich. I cannot tell you how thrown off I was by that.
- A group of us missionaries were getting lunch after our meeting and these 2 old ladies were giggling the whole time and insisted we take a pic with them. Idk what that was about but it was fun. They reminded me of my mom when she is with any of her sisters.
- Meet my friend Kuchan. She weighs about 7 lbs and can't keep her tongue in her mouth no matter how hard she tries. She is like really old too, so we had to carry her the whole time we were at the festival, or we would probably still be walking there.
-The bananas are turning brown real fast. HELP!!! This Pic was taken after a couple days of having them, I am proud of the progress I have made!