Monday, June 24, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 16

Hello everyone and helloooo rainy season! 

☂️When it rains... IT POURS. I am not even exaggerating! Luckily it does not get very humid here in Matsumoto, so it definitely could be worse. I was not prepared for this rain though, that is for sure.

😇Remember that lady (Matsui Shimai) who hasn't been to church in like 40 years, but last time we visited her she said she would come to church? (This was a couple weeks ago) Well, her son wouldn't let her go to church. BUT yesterday we went to her house and brought her the sacrament. The spirit was so strong. I could not understand what she was saying, but she seemed super grateful.

😒You guys ny right hip is like killing me, super random, but if anyone has hip problems advice send it my way!! Might have to get hips of steel ifykyk haha.

🌍On Saturday a member took us on this beautiful hike that had a great view! It was so pretty. It just made me so grateful for this beautiful earth God created for all of us. Something I think we all should appreciate a lil more!!

🎶There is a choir here in Matsumoto that consists of about 30 people. They have a concert twice every year. Well guess what, I am a valued member of this choir. Not really, but I am part of it. We had a concert on Saturday!!!! I only sang half the songs haha because some were too fast for my Japanese skills, but it was fun. There was an old lady in the crowd who had her eyes closed the whole time and nodded her head with the music. I loved it. The right kind of music really does soothe the soul!

❤Japan tips!❤
- Last week I said I want to marry the 7/11s here... I want to marry the Familymarts too!
- Literally everyone eats rice with EVERYTHING. RICE IS EVERYWHERE.
-the gardens/yards here are no joke. Some of the most beautiful scenes of nature I have witnessed have been right in front of someone's house. I want to talk about this more in the future, but I am trying not to make this email 10 years long!

⚖️Me being a very visual person I have thought of what it feels like with my Japanese. You ready? It feels like I get pushed into water, drown a bit, struggle to get up. But right when I get up and find my balance, I take a couple steps of confidence then I get pushed right back into the water. Can anyone relate? Haha sounds brutal and honestly it is. God has not ceased to keep me humble. It's a journey that I am still trying to figure out. 

I got some really good advice from a missionary friend of mine I have made. She said:

"Something that helped me a lot was keeping my mind on Christ. Keeping Him at the center of my thoughts and as my why! Every time it got hard, I would remember Him and try to think of what Christ did when it was hard for him. He loved people, despite them hating Him. He went out and performed the Atonement, despite knowing how hard and painful it would be. He submitted to the Father's will, despite it being the hardest thing He ever had to do. Jesus Christ is so amazing!! Think of Him and I promise you will receive so much strength!"

So powerful. I am not going to add much because I want you to read this and think about it for yourself and how you can apply this into your life. Jesus Christ is our anchor, if we rely on Him, we will not be moved!

God loves you
I love you
Have a great week everyone! 

<3 Sister Peterson

*I am a gyoza (a japanese food) making expert
*okay I look stupid in the choir picture, but whatever