Sunday, June 23, 2024

Inside Out 2

 On Tuesday Rylee and I went to the theater to watch Inside Out 2. We went on Tuesday because tickets are $5 each and Rylee did not have work. Kefford had no interest in going so it was just the two of us and I had so much fun with her. I have really been loving being able to spend time with just Rylee and love being with her. She is a lot of fun to hang out with and I am going to miss her so much when she graduates. We both liked the movie, I liked that it had more of the origional emotions throughout the movie and loved the new emotions. Part of it felt a little too real for me when the character was dealing with anxiety and her middle of the night Anxiety thoughts really made me feel like I was watching a movie about me. It was a little too relatable, hahaha.

I have been really trying to keep my lemon tree alive and recently I had decided that it was a goner and I was about ready to give up on it because it looked dead. But when I was looking at it I saw some new green leaves coming out and that gave me hope that I did not in fact kill it. I downloaded a plant app that helps keep track of your plants and tells you when to water and stuff so I am hoping that will help me keep it alive and maybe even give it a chance to thrive. I had a dream last night that my lemon tree was so lush and it was producing really big lemons and it made me so happy, I was a little bummed when I woke up and realized it was a dream. 

Bodi came to church again with us and I had a sticker book that we all used after sacrament and during the speakers. We all got a page and "painted" the picture with stickers. Towards the end of the meeting they were asking for a treat and I had to give them each a smartie, I felt like I had a couple of toddlers again hahaha.

Sunday evening is Monday morning for Avynlea in Japan and she gets to call us because it is her P-day.I love the weekly calls we get to have with her but sometimes it is a little too much with everyone in the family chiming in and talking over each other. Rylee had the chat going on her phone and had Avynlea, Ryker and Kenedy position themselves in a way that made it look like Ryker's torso was Avynlea's and Kenedy's Legs were Avynlea's. It was pretty funny and creative. After a while of all of us on the call Avynlea sent me a message saying she was going to get off the group call and just call me so we could chat. I am glad she did and we had a good conversation. She is struggling in Japan with not knowing the language and feeling lost and homesick. I tried to encourage her the best I could, I know she is enjoying some of the experiences but feeling isolated from not knowing the language is hard and add on top of that missing home she is having a hard time. I just keep encouraging her and praying for her and hope that the language will click for her soon.