Friday, May 31, 2024

Rylee's Last Day of Junior Year

Rylee had her last day of Junior year and like I am every year I am sad to see her move another grade up. This year I am extra sad because sh his now a senior and in one year will be graduating and heading off to college making Kefford and I empty nesters. It is surreal to think that we are at this stage in life and it leaves me contemplating on how fast the years have gone by. 

That night we went to dinner at Olive Garden with Bob and Alison, The best part of them working in the Temple presidency is them staying at the Temple House and us being able to spend time with them without anyone else around. We love being with all of the family but it is nice to have alone time every so often. 
Kefford was showing Rylee some funny reels he has been looking at and I thought the two of them together like this was pretty cute.
On Monday we went out to the Farm for Memorial Day. Kefford took me for a ride in the side by side and we went over to Whitneys house to visit for a minute. As we were leaving they were getting ready to head over to Bob and Alisons so we took with us in the side by side.
Avynlea told us about a dish they eat in Japan called rice tacos and I made it for dinner one night. It is basically all the toppings of a taco served on rice and it was actually really good.
The theme for girls camp is Disney and our ward was assigned Pocahontas. My YCL's were not great with decorating ideas and as we are getting closer to camp I am feeling a little stressed about how to decorate. I finally thought to have Rylee sketch out some of the characters from the movie and she did the dog Percy, the raccoon Meeko and the bird Flit. She really did an amazing job drawing them and it made me really excited and feel a lot better about the decorations for our cabins. 

I have been wanting to swim more for exercise and I got a swim cap and goggles as well as some bone conductor head phones that are supposed to be good in the water. On Friday I went and swam laps for an hour in the neighborhood pool and it was exhausting. I was really slow but I did it and I am pretty proud of myself. The head phones did not work as great as I had hoped but they did an ok job.