Friday, September 27, 2024

Spooky Season and Emmaline

Rylee is doing an online psychology class for her associates degree and I get sent updates though email. I took a screen shot of the kind comments Rylee's teacher left for her and sent it. I am sure she gets the same notifications but I don't know that she really pays attention to the notes.
Jessica Heslop asked me if I would watch Emmaline last minute because Jeff was out of town, her older girls were at various activities and she had to drive kids to their choir class and did not have room for Emmaline. I was happy to help out but I was a little unsure about how I would entertain her, Rylee was at work so I couldn't rely on her to help out. When Emmaline arrived I asked her what she wanted to do and she asked me if I would show her my quilts. I had helped her big sister Hazel make a quilt and she must have told her sisters about my quilts. While I was showing her my quilts she was super complimentary and was amazed and loved every single one of them. She was adorable. After the quilt showing we were sitting on the couch chatting and I told her Rylee was going to be so jealous that Emmaline was here and she wasn't going to be able to see her. I said we probably shouldn't tell Rylee and Emmaline put her hand to her chest and said "oh we best not", seriously she is the cutest little 6 year old and has the cutest sayings. Shen asked if she could jump on the trampoline and after a couple of minutes of that she asked if she could make a handkerchief. We did not have that much time left and she did request a small one so we looked through my fabric and she found a piece she liked. I had her cut it and then I let her pick a stitch on my machine and I helped her sew a fancy design around the edges. We did not have time to hem the edges so I put some fray check around it and then had her dry it quick with my hand fan. 
I got an amazon package in the mail that I was not expecting and upon opening it I found a Halloween sweatshirt that I had seen online but did not think I ordered. It was a size extra large which is the size I like to get in my sweatshirts because I like them big, comfy and cozy. I really thought I might have ordered it and did not remember so I looked in my amazon history but it was not there. The only one I know who really knows how big I like my sweatshirts is Ashleigh so I figured it was from her but was still confused about it. I finally remembered to look in the package again for a gift receipt and sure enough I found one with a note that is was an early birthday gift from Ashleigh. Mystery solved! I love it and am excited to wear it during spooky season!
Rylee found me lying on my bed watching clips of say yes to the dress and joined me for a couple of episodes. Of course she had to take some .5's of us, her favorite hobby. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Uncle Roy

 On September 19th I woke up and was looking at Facebook on my phone when I saw a post from my Aunt Carol saying that my Uncle Roy had passed away on the 17th. This was a shock to me and I screenshot the post and sent it to my Mom and siblings group chat. This was the first any of us had heard about the death and we were sad for Aunt Carol but we did not have a relationship with my Uncle so it wasn't a devastating thing. He lived a long and good life and I can be happy that he is in a better place. Since my Dad's funeral I have see him once which was at Ashleigh's wedding and that was also the only time we have talked. I have good memories of him from when I was little and just have an image in my head of being at Grandma and Grandpa Lutes's house and seeing Uncle Roy playing Pool with his two sons, my Cousins Don and Robert who were much older than me. Uncle Roy was always nice and did his fair amount of gentle teasing when we was with us kids but we really did not see him a lot and that was ok. I think after my Dad's passing he could have done more to help my Mom or at least check in on her regularly but he did not and I wonder if my Dad is going to ask him about that when they see each other again. I do think he was a good man and probably just did not feel he had to worry about my Mom or our family. I wish we could have seen him more to have a better relationship but maybe that is something that can happen after this life.

Kenedy saw this post on Facebook which was a jump scare for her and very strange. I don't know who put it there, Kefford says maybe AI, and while I think it is weird I just had a thought that maybe it was a good way for the friends and family who only follow him to find out about his passing. 

Ryker and Anna, Bonnie the bunny and Stake Conference

 Ryker and Anna have been dating for a couple of months now and he is becoming more and more smitten. Because she is going to school in St George and he is in Logan they don't get to see each other often but through FaceTime and the occasional weekend visits they are coming along just fine. Ryker got a ride with a friend who was going to St George so he could visit Anna and I told him to take pictures. These two are not the best about taking pictures and so he made sure to take one before he left to send to me. The lack of pictures is disappointing but I will just have to keep bugging them about it and hopefully they will get better. 

A couple of days later Ryker sent me a picture that Anna had sent him of her new hair color to find out what he thought. He said he thought she looked so beautiful but that he sounded like an idiot when he saw it because of how pretty she was. I thought that was a sweet reaction and am sure Anna liked it as well.

With Rylee being busy with School, work and friends her bunny Bonnie has been pretty neglected. We decided we needed to find him a new home and I took some pictures of Rylee holding him that she could use to make a flyer for Kefford to put up at work advertising our free bunny. He is a sweet little guy and it has been fun having him but with Rylee leaving for college next year we don't want to have to worry about him. It is the end of an era and we will finally be pet free.
We had steak conference weekend and it was nice to have Kefford sitting with us for a change. It was also nice to have another person in the .5 photos that Rylee likes to take. 
(Rylee here, my most favorite thing EVER is to take 0.5 pictures of my mom and dad. No matter how much they hate it, I am so excited for the day when I get to do 0.5 on my phone (the one I have isn't new enough for that) but until then I have to keep using my mom's phone. But trust me, once I get 0.5 on my phone, I will be an unstoppable menace.)

Friday, September 20, 2024

Homecoming Game

 Rylee's friend Kinsley who moved to Taxes at the end of last year came into town for Owyhee's Homecoming. Rylee loved being able to see her friend again and she went to the Homecoming game with Kinsley, Brinleigh, Esther and Shay. Kefford and I went as well to show support for Owyhee and going to the game the previous week made me realize how much I have missed going to the High School Football games. Unfortunately the Owyhee we saw the previous week play against Meridian was not the Owyhee we saw this week playing against Borah. Borah took control of the game early on and Owyhee fell apart and ended up losing which was not fun for the Homecoming game. 

Esther, Brinleigh, Kinsley and Rylee

Ian, Haley, Shay, and Rylee

Brinleigh, Kinsley, Rylee, and Haley

Kenedy sent me a picture of her and Tyler at the East High School football game. They want to go to football games but the tickets for Uof U's game are too expensive so they have been going to the local High School to support them and watch their game. We were texting each other back and forth throughout the night and their team were doing just as bad if not worse then our team so it was a bit of a bummer. Towards the end she sent me a text saying how mad she was because their entire student section got up and walked out of the game. She thought it was awful for them to be such jerks and unsupportive towards their team. Later she said she found out they left to go tip the the other teams bus but once you leave you cannot get back in so they were gone for good that night. I wish we could have received more information about the bus tipping and if that actually happened but Kenedy did not have nay more news on that. It would have been funny to have witnessed, not that I support that decision but a bunch of students trying to tip a bus would have been comical.
Kefford bought his Uncle Marks Raptor that he has been wanting for. along time and since he has purchased it he has been wanting a Hot Wheels Raptor that matches it. He has not been able to find one in the right color so he bought a red one and after taking it apart painted it to match his big one. I thought he looked so cute doing the detail work on his Hot Wheels Raptor wearing his readers that I had to take a picture. Also it is fun to have a picture during the process and then we have one of the completed Raptor. He did a really good job on it and is really proud of his Hot Wheels Raptor.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Owyhee vs Meridian, Babies and Powder Puff

I got this message last Sunday morning and it made me laugh but also made me cringe a little inside. From what I understand it was Brother Rouse who sent the message and we can give him a pass because he is older and probably thought he was being hilarious.
Breana had her baby on August 13th and I sent her a couple of fall themed baby outfits for her new baby, Madeline James, one with pumpkins and a skeleton one for Halloween. She sent me a thank you text with a picture of her baby wearing the outfit which was super cute and very appreciated. 
Friday night Owyhee was playing Meridian in football and I wanted to go to the game so I told Kefford he had to go with me. Kenedy and Ty came for the weekend and they came to the game as well which was a lot of fun. I Thought Meridian was going to win but Owyhee stepped it up and took the win with a score of 35-19. It was fun to be at a football game again and I am glad that Rylee's school won. Rylee came with her friends, stood in the student section and had fun but kept getting hit by the boys behind her with the balloons that were floating around. When it happened one too many times she grabbed the balloon and popped it with her earring. They did it again and she popped that one and when it happened a third time she was done with those boys. High School boys can be so immature but I love how Rylee handed it ;).
Rylee, Shay and Brinley

Keffordand Tyler went to Nyssa for half of Saturday and while they were there they got to see Sara and Jamies new baby boy Rowen. Alison sent. apictur elf Kefford holding him and it made me a little jealous that he got to see them and their baby. Kenedy sent a message to Sara asking how long they were in town for and to see if they would have time to come and see us. They were actually going to Boise later that day for a birthday party and said they would stop by on their way home. We were going to the movie to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and did not have too much time but when Sara and Jamie came over with their boys, Vinny and Rowen, we were able to visit with them for about an hour. It surprised me how tiny Rowen was because in the picture with Kefford he looked so big with the way Kefford was holding him close to the camera. He is just a tiny little 3 week old jelly bean and I am glad I was able to see him as well as Sara and Jamie.
Rylee did not want to play the powderpuff game this year but she and Leah wanted to go to support their friend Saylor and Leah's former peer tutor Cheyanne. Leah came to our house before the game so that they could make posters and then they went  to the game. Rylee said Saylor and Cheyanne liked their posters and even though the game was so boring it was fun to cheer on their friends. Cheyanne gave Rylee a five minute hug when they saw her after the game and they were able to get a picture with her.
One of the days this week was twin day and Rylee's former peer tutor Imogin and Cheyenne dressed as twins for the day. Rylee thought their outfits were just so funny but loved that they did their thing and rocked their confidence.
Cheyenne, Rylee and Imogin

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 28

I have been blessed!

If anyone was wondering this has been an emotion filled week.... you are correct. Holy cow.

☎️On Tuesday I received the call from my mission president that I will be training. I said these exact words to him "are you sure president?" because literally what. So yes, I got my daughter, my beanchan on saturday night and I am seriously lucky! She is so ready to work and is the sweetest ever. I am just a little stressed.

😄Saturday evening was the best time of my life. 
❤💜💙💛💚❤💙💜💚💙First off I was reunited with ALL my missionary friends here in Nagoya. We had a mission conference!! I cannot even explain the boost that did for my happiness levels. I am so thankful for all those amazing people.
😇👼Second, Elder Cook spoke to us!! It was just our mission that he spoke to and you guys wow. The spirit was so thick you could almost see it. I want to cry thinking about it. He said SO MANY amazing things like wow. But a really special moment for me was when we (the mission) were singing a song for him that we had worked so hard on. It was a whole Tabernacle choir arrangement, so it was beautiful. Throughout the song I kept looking at him (I was in the second row!!) and at my favorite part I looked up and made eye contact with him and saw that he had tears in his eyes. Immediately my eyes flooded. It was really cool to sing for an apostle of Jesus Christ AND to hear him testify of Jesus Christ. I will hold so many things from that devotional super close to my heart always.

🐔Random thought: anyone know the game crossy road? Well, I had a realization that it literally predicted my mission to Japan all the way back in high school. BECAUSE I got my highest score ever with the Samurai character. Random, but literally I think crossy road is a little magical!

👍Okay, I have to cut this email short because I do not have much time left. But I just want you all to know that everything is okay, you are okay! Life is supposed to be enjoyable, so make it!!! Lets do it together, because right now is pretty hard. I don't know about you, but wow, ya know? We just have to find the little things!
President Gordon B Hinkley said
"In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."
The words of a prophet everyone! Let's do this!
God loves you!
I love you!
Make it a good week!!!

<3 Sister Peterson

- The Nagoya Tabernacle Choir everyone...
- Indocurry.. SO DELICIOUS (that is chocolate in that bread)
- I love these sisters with every ounce of my heart!!!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sister Peterson Week 27

Hi everyone!

😠I currently have like a trillion mosquito bites on my legs and arms and it is like the worst feeling ever. I look like I have a disease, but it's okay... the work must go on!!

😰On Monday we had Zone Pday! We combined with another zone and rented out a gym for volleyball and basketball! There were about 40 missionaries and NO AC. That was miserable, but we didn't care because we were all having so much fun!

🐧We had exchanges for 2 days with Rodriguez 姉妹 and Fujikawa 姉妹! The first day it was me and Rodriguez 姉妹 and let me just say, she is a transfer behind me, and knows just about equal to less than Japanese as me. It was a little rough, but we were able to do more than I thought we could!

🔍The second day of exchanges was also Book of Mormon finding day!!! You guys, I think this was one of my most favorite days on the mission. There are too many miracles to share, but me and Fujikawa 姉妹 went finding literally all day. It was exhausting, but so fun. We went with the elders who had the crazy idea of "stealing" the Church's whiteboard and writing "what is the purpose of life" on it. We walked around a park for hours and had people write their answers on the board. We gave away like 30+ books combined using this method! Lots of miracles! Oh also the whole mission handed out 500 books!!! Amazingggg

🐄My district went to Yakiniku!! It is a very well known type of restaurant where your table has a grill type thing in the middle and you can order unlimited amount of meat. You are timed, and it is pretty expensive, but wow I was so full by the end. Like seriously I ate so much meat i was sweating. AND I HAD GOOSEBUMBS WHEN I FIRST WALKED IN THE RESTAURANT. I think it is a must try experience in Japan, but for the price... I am satisfied with doing it only once. 

🍣I also did the most cliche thing to do in Japan and that is have a sushi making party!!!! It was actually very fun! Everyone was saying my sushis looked so good. I decided I am okay with sushi, but I would never go out of my way to eat it. If it is in front of me, I will eat, but I will not choose it over other things. 

❤️Japan Tips❤️
- Out of all American singers, everyone knows and asks about Shawn Mendez, it's really random to me.
- yes, everyone watches anime 
- I have never really seen a man in just classic Levi type jeans. This could just be me not paying attention though
❤️yay Japan❤️

Mosiah 4:27
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."

This scripture has been on my mind a lot recently. It is important to not get ahead of yourself or to over work yourself. It says we should still be diligent, but not enough where it gets to be too much. Everything has an order in which it should be done, so we should not try to jump 3 steps ahead and skip the important 3 steps. It never works. I have been repeatedly reminding myself of these things ESPECIALLY when it comes to my Japanese! 
Everyone... God loves you!! You are His. 
I love you toooooo

<3 Sister Peterson